City of Hart - Dryden; Wood; and Jefferson Reconstruction

Important Information

The City of Hart is investing in this neighborhood by replacing aging water main, sanitary sewer, and roadways. This project will take place on numerous roads:

  • Hart Street from Wood Street to Jefferson Street will have new water main installed, sanitary sewer replaced and a new roadway constructed.
  • Wood Street from State Street to Union Street will have the sanitary sewer replaced and a new roadway constructed.
  • Dryden Street from Wigton Street to Johnson Street will have new water main installed, sanitary sewer replaced, and a new roadway constructed.
  • Jefferson Street will have the water main replaced, sanitary sewer replaced and a new roadway constructed.

All water services in the area will be replaced into the homes. In addition, all sidewalk will be replaced.  This project will be completed in phases to limit impacts to residents.


Matt Hulst, PE
Project Manager
(616) 914-0557

Hallack Contracting
(231) 873-5081

Progress Report:

This past two weeks focused on concrete curbs, sidewalk and drives. At this time all concrete work is completed and the road graded and ready for asphalt!

Upcoming Work:

The first course of pavement will be applied this weekend weather permitting. Next week will focus on spreading topsoil, raising manhole covers and preparing for the final course of pavement.

Underground utility work has continued this week, completing sanitary sewer main and continuing storm sewer main on Wood Street.  Sanitary laterals and storm sewer will continue next week, along with additional asphalt and concrete removals in preparation for road rebuilding. 

Work Completed this Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation on Wood from Hart to Union.
  • Storm sewer installation on Wood from Hart to Union.
  • Sidewalk removal on Wood and Dryden began.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer lateral installation on Wood west of Hart towards Union
  • Additional sidewalk and asphalt removal on Wood and Dryden.
  • Storm sewer will continue on Wood and Union.

Please Note: Underground utility work continues on Wood street.  Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work has continued this week, with sanitary lateral installations on Dryden.  Additionally, road rebuilding continues on Dryden and Wood.  Next week underground utility work will continue on Wood, moving towards Union. 

Work Completed this Week

  • Sanitary lateral installation on Dryden from Wood to Jefferson.
  • Road rebuilding on Wood street and Dryden street from Wigton to Jefferson.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Continuing sanitary sewer installation on Wood west of Hart towards Union
  • Road rebuilding will continue on Wood and Dryden.

Please Note: Undergrond utility work continues on Wood street.  Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work has continued the last two weeks, with sanitary sewer installation on Dryden and storm sewer installation on Wood.  Additionally, road rebuilding has begun on Dryden and Wood.  Next week road rebuilding will continue on Dryden and Wood.

Work Completed this Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation on Dryden from Wood Street to Jefferson Street.
  • Sanitary lateral installation on Dryden from Wood to Jefferson.
  • Road rebuilding on Wood street and Dryden street south of Wood.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Potentially continuing sanitary sewer sewer installation on Wood east of Hart.
  • Sanitary sewer lateral installations will continue on Dryden.
  • Road rebuilding on Dryden north of Wood and on Wood towards Hart Street.

Please Note: Undergrond utility work continues on Wood street.  Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work continued this week on Dryden Street with sanitary sewer installations from Wood to Wigton Street.  Sanitary sewer installation will continue, while storm sewer begins on Wood Street next week.

Work Completed this Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation on Dryden from Wood Street to Wigton Street.
  • Sanitary lateral installation on Dryden from Wood to Wigton.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation will continue on Dryden Street.
  • Sanitary sewer lateral installations will continue on Dryden.
  • Storm sewer installation will begin on Wood

Please Note: Underground utility work continues on Wood street. Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work continued this week on Wood Street with sanitary sewer installations from Hart to State Street.  Additional road removal began on Dryden in preparation for sanitary sewer installation, which will take place the beginning of next week.

Work Completed last Week

  • Water main tie-in completed at Woodlawn and Dryden.
  • Sanitary sewer main installation on Wood from Hart Street to State Street.
  • Sanitary lateral installation on Wood from Hart to State.
  • Road removal continued on Dryden in anticipation of sanitary sewer installation

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation will continue on Dryden Street.
  • Sanitary sewer lateral installations will begin on Dryden.
  • Storm sewer installation will begin on Wood

Please Note: Undergrond utility work continues on Wood street.  Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work continued this week on Wood Street with both water main and sanitary sewer installations.  Water main connections to the existing system were completed in Dryden as well as Woodlawn Court.  Underground utility work will continue on Wood Street next week with Sanitary sewer moving west from Hart Street.

Work Completed last Week

  • Water main tie-in completed at Woodlawn and Dryden.
  • Sanitary sewer main installation on Wood at Hart Street moving west.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer main installation will continue on Wood Street.
  • Sanitary sewer lateral installations will begin on Wood.

Please Note: Underground utility work continues on Wood street.  Dave’s party store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

Underground utility work continued last week on Wood Street, connecting the new water main into the existing system at Union, Hart and Dryden.  Underground utility work will continue on Wood Street this week beginning sanitary sewer at Union working west.


Work Completed last Week

  • Water main tie-in at Union, Woodlawn, Hart and Dryden.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer installation will begin on Wood Street, starting at Union moving west.

Please Note: Underground utility work has begun on Wood street. Dave’s Party Store is accessible on Hart Street from the north.

This week focused on water main installation and testing on Dryden Street as well as roadway removal on Wood Street.

Work Completed This Week

  • Wood Street surface was removed.
  • Water main was installed on Dryden south of Wood Street.
  • Water Main testing and cleaning continued.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Assuming tests on the new water main pass the main south of Wood Street will be connected to the system and services on Dryden south of Wood will be installed.

Road rebuilding continued on Jefferson and Dryden this week with the base layer of asphalt. Additionally, water main installation continued on Dryden, from Jefferson to Wood.  The focus next week will be on water services on Dryden. Additionally, underground utility work will begin on Wood Street.

Work Completed This Week

  • Installation of water main on Dryden street, from Jefferson to Wood.
  • Installation of the first layer of asphalt on Jefferson or Dryden.
  • Yard restoration continued Jefferson and Dryden.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Water service installation on Dryden south of Jefferson.
  • Underground utility work will begin in Wood Street

Please Note: As utility work moves to Wood street, road closure signs will be moved to reflect Wood street closure from Dryden to Union.  Access to Dave’s Party Store can be made from the north.