Holland Charter Township - Pump Station No. 31 & Force Main Replacement

Important Information

Holland Charter Township will be constructing new wastewater utilities, starting from the City of Holland Treatment Plant south of Macatawa River (near 1st Street and River Avenue), extending to the north end of the township near John F. Donnelly/Quincy Street.

The project will include road closures, utility excavation/installation, pavement removals (road, pathway, driveway), and restoration activities.

The contractor (K&R) plans to begin work at the south end of the project this August (2024) and work their way north through 2025.


Temporary mailbox location may be installed. Contractor will coordinate with residents.

Garbage Pickup

Contractor may request trash receptacles to be replaced at the road the night before.

  • Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
  • Local resident access will be maintained, and coordinated with the contractor.
  • There may be times where access will be limited to your home during construction activities. Contractor to coordinate alternate parking locations.


Kamminga & Roodvoets, Inc. (K&R)
Adam Khodl, Project Manager
(616) 949-0800

Prein&Newhof (Engineer)
Jonathan Nelson, PE, Project Manager
(616) 432-6741

Jesse Boogaard, Construction Observer
(616) 394-0200

Holland Charter Township
Aaron Nyboer, Director of Public Works
(616) 396-1891


Progress Report:

Work continues as K&R installs the 30-inch HDPE force main along between Lakewood Blvd and James Street, through the HBPW Electric easement corridor. As this work is outside the public right-of-way (ROW), this work can continue through the winter. Work is becoming more weather dependent as colder temperatures are in the forecast. The below photos show the pipe being installed in 200 – 300 feet sections at a time, along with some work fusing the fabricated tee fittings for the maintenance manhole structures. These structures are installed for access to the force main for the Township during maintenance activities.

Upcoming Work:

K&R will continue force main pipe installation along up to James Street, and will turn the corner and continue along James Street. Pump Station No. 31 site preparation and excavation may begin as early as February/March ’25.

Progress Report:

Progress continues as K&R has been working to complete the connection to the wastewater treatment plant (HAWRF), near River Ave/1st Street over the last month. This included connection to two existing force mains, pipe testing, and coordination with the Township to maintain existing flows into the plant.

River Hills Drive was temporarily restored for the winter, as more work will occur next spring.

Please find the below milestone video, outlining the work completed thus far.

Upcoming Work:

K&R will proceed with force main installation along the HBPW electric corridor between Lakewood Blvd and James Street. This is expected to extend through January/February, weather dependent.

Progress Report: 

The project has hit a milestone event with the completion of the horizontal direction drill under Macatawa River. Last week, Gabe’s completed the 44-inch reamer pass while K&R fused the 30-inch HDPE pipe in preparation of the pipe pullback. Saturday (Nov. 2) the pullback was successful, taking a total of 9 hours to complete.

Upcoming Work: 

Pipe testing, site restoration, and demobilization of the drilling equipment are to occur this week. Connections at the Holland Area Water Reclamation Facility (HAWRF) are to be completed shortly. K&R also plans to complete the force main (FM) installation between Lakewood Blvd and James St in the coming months.

Progress Report:

Gabe’s is nearing completion of the 44-inch ream bore (last reaming pass) and plans to be complete by next Monday (28th). K&R’s subcontractor will begin fusing the 30-inch diameter HDPE pipe today (25th).

Upcoming Work:

Tentative schedule is to pull the 30-inch HDPE pipe under Macatawa River late next week, after 2.5 months of preparation and bore work. The pipe will be strung out along the west side River Hills Drive right-of-way (ROW). Once installed, the pipe will sit approximately 60-feet below the river bottom.

Traffic/Resident Access:

Please note that as 2,000-feet of 30-inch pipe will be laid out along the west side of River Hills Drive, eastbound traffic will not be permitted to enter River Hills Drive or Scotts Drive from Lakewood Boulevard for through traffic. Residents along River Hills Drive (south of Soccer Spot), should access property from the east (via Roost Avenue). See the below detour.


Macatawa River HDD:

This week Gabe’s completed the second ream pass for the drill (36-inch diameter). A specialized rock reamer was used due to the soils that were encountered. Start of the final ream pass (44-inch diameter) will begin shortly, followed by the pipe pull which is expected to occur early November.

Macatawa River HDD: Reaming progress continues. Gabe’s completed the 24-inch reaming pass and began the 36-inch ream this past week (see below pictures). Once this reamer is complete, the last 45-inch reamer will be bored, followed by the HDPE pipe pull back.

Tree Removal: K&R began the tree/brush removal process in preparation for force main pipe installation this coming winter (’24) and spring (’25), mainly along the HBPW electric corridor and James Street (up to Beeline Road).

Material Delivery: Pipe and material delivery continues, as stockpiles can be seen along James Street & River Hills Drive.

Progress Report:

Progress continues on the direction drill under Macatawa River. Gabe’s has completed the pilot drill under the river and prepared to start the reaming process. Reaming began Thursday (September 12) and is expected to continue into October.Traffic Control/Access: River Hills Drive & Scotts Drive traffic control was improved this week now that work has scaled up in this area with the pilot drill complete. Access through the intersection will remain open for local residents and the Soccer Spot from River Hills Drive (north of Scotts Drive) and Scotts Drive (west of River Hills Drive).

The horizontal direction drill (HDD) under Macatawa River continues. Progress continues with approximately 500 feet remaining for the pilot drill, with 1,500 feet completed. Preparation on the north side of the bore continues in anticipation of the drilling reaching the intersection of River Hills Dr. & Scotts Drive. Utility verification was completed along River Hills Dr., and the first load of 30-inch HDPE pipe was delivered. Once pilot drilling is complete, Gabe’s will begin the reaming process of the drill.

Progress Report:

Drilling for the horizontal directional drill (HDD) under Macatawa River began this week. Gabe’s ran into some technical issues early in the week which have been resolved. As of Friday (23rd), approximately 600 linear feet of the pilot drill has been compete. The total length of bore is about 2,000 linear feet.Additional traffic control measures were implemented to make the traffic shift along River Avenue clearer, and additional signage for the pedestrian detour was also implemented.

River Hills Drive & Scotts Drive detour route:

Past Week’s Work:

K&R and their drilling subcontractor worked to mobilize and prepare for the horizontal direction drill (HDD) under Macatawa River. Staging on the south side of the river near 1st Street included a 2-lane traffic shift along River Avenue, setting up the bore rig and staging equipment. The sidewalk is now closed through this area and pedestrians must utilize the detour route shown below. Staging on the north side of the river also occurred, and the intersection of River Hills Dr. and Scotts Drive has been closed to through traffic (see the detour route below).

Upcoming Work:

Drilling will begin next Monday (19th) for the HDD under Macatawa River. These types of direction drills have 3 stages of operations; pilot, reaming, and pipe pull. This first stage will include pilot drilling the bore path, which will set the location of the HDPE force main (FM) pipe. This process will take 2 – 4 weeks. The 2nd stage (reaming), creates a hole for the pipe to later be placed in. Reaming includes pulling various sized drill heads to enlarge the bore hole. Stage 2 will likely take 6 – 8 weeks. The final stage is to pull the 30” HDPE pipe through the hole created by the reaming process. They plan to stage the pipe on the north side of the river, and pull back to the south.