Muskegon County Water Resource Recovery Center - Whitehall Township Water Main Extension

Important Information

Muskegon County, with assistance from the State of Michigan, is extending water main along Silver Creek Road and Mill Pond Trail in Whitehall Township. This project will provide water service to all properties along the route.


Work along Silver Creek will result in lane and shoulder closures. The road will be closed to through traffic within the project area but access to residences will not be affected.


Mail service will be maintained throughout the project. The Contractor will notify residents if mailboxes will be relocated temporarily.

Water Service:

If you are interested in connecting to the new water main please contact Muskegon County.

P&N Engineer:

Matt Hulst, PE Project Manager


P&N Construction Observer:

Tom Eilers



Jackson Merkey Contractors

Nick Ginsberg



Muskegon County

(231) 724-3442

At this time, all water main on Silver Creek Road has been installed, tested, and connected to the existing system. Shoulder restoration is nearly complete, but will require final grading once the snow melts. Spreading of topsoil is ongoing and will be mostly completed prior to Christmas.

Water service installation has not been scheduled yet, but may start over the winter if the weather is mild. We will keep you posted once a schedule is known. After topsoiling and mailbox reinstalling are completed, work will be paused until water service work begins. Final raking and grading of the topsoil and seeding will be completed following water service installation.

Progress Report:

Work has started up again on Silver Creek Road. Pipe pressure testing on the first run of pipe was completed. Jackson Merkey Contractors installed approximately 700 ft of pipe this week.

Upcoming Work:

Final testing of the previously installed water main will continue into mid-week. Installation of water main on Silver Creek will continue progressing northward.

After a short break from work Jackson Merkey Contractors will be back on site starting November 6. They will be testing the water main they previously installed and will start installing water main near the end of the week.

Progress Report:

Good progress has been made with testing starting on the first 2,500 ft of water main on Silver Creek this week. Work started at the south end of the project and has progressed north. The crossing of the Mill Pond Culverts was also completed.

Upcoming Work:

The Contractor has decided to pause work for the next few weeks. Work will resume in November on Silver Creek Road.