City of Stanton - Water & Wastewater System Improvements

Important Information

This project has been in works since the City received their Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) Grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy back in 2018. This grant gave communities across Michigan an opportunity to assess the condition of the existing storm and wastewater infrastructure across their jurisdiction and develop a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to repair failing infrastructure.

The City reviewed the proposed projects from this plan and were able to bundle many of them together. Using borrowed money from the United States Department of Agriculture at a low interest rate, a larger project was created at various locations across town to create a bid package for a contractor to construct.


Prein&Newhof will have personnel in the field on behalf of the City of Stanton.

Payton Novak, P.E.

On-site Contact

Dean’s Excavating
Ben Shepard

The contractor has provided an initial schedule that indicates work at the Wastewater Treatment Plant will take place starting in November of 2024 and continue through portions of the winter as is required by the contract.It is their intent to then start with construction on the local streets starting in April of 2025, and being complete with the project by October of 2025. As those dates near, we will post updates as to when work will be occurring on specific streets. Below is a list of preliminary start dates that the contractor’s schedule outlines:
  • Grove, Hill, Sheridan, and Lake Streets – April 14, 2025
  • Day, Vine, Walnut and Court Streets – June 2, 2025
  • Lincoln Street – August 4, 2025
  • West Lift Station – April 14, 2025
  • Camburn Lift Station – June 2, 2025
The below image shows locations across the city where improvements will be made.