City of Muskegon - Wilcox and Thompson Reconstruction

Important Information

The City of Muskegon is making a significant infrastructure investment in the City’s Beachwood-Bluffton Neighborhood. Work will consist of replacement of the water main, water services, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and roadway on Thompson, Wilcox, Edgewater (Wilcox to Thompson) and Walnut Streets.

In addition, water services will be replaced into the homes on Plum Street, Cherry Street, and Edgewater Street from Lakeshore to Thompson. This project will be completed in phases which are shown in the map.

Maps of Construction Stages

Stage 1 – Edgewater

Stage 2 – Edgewater, Thompson, and Walnut

Stage 3 – Edgewater, Thompson, and Walnut

Stage 4 – Wilcox, Cherry, Walnut, and Thompson

Stage 5 – Wilcox, Cherry, and Plum


Matt Hulst, PE, Project Manager

City of Muskegon Contact
Todd Myers

Contractor Contact
Kamminga & Roodvoets
Adam Khodl

This week saw continued work on restoration and clean up and included the first course of asphalt pavement for the second phase of the project! At this time the first course is down for the entire job.

Work Completed this week

  • Clean up and topsoil.
  • Paving of the first course of asphalt.
  • Raising of manhole covers and valve boxes.

Anticipated Work for the Coming Week

  • Concrete work is anticipated to be completed.
  • Grass seed and final topsoil preparation will be completed.
  • Top course of asphalt is scheduled for Thursday August 29!

Please be aware of the upcoming paving schedule, access will be limited at times while paving. Efforts will be made to keep residents informed of the schedule in order to have vehicles out of the way.

This was a very busy week with road building and concrete. Wilcox is starting to look like a road again. The project is quickly approaching a conclusion with the first course of paving scheduled in the next week!

Work Completed this week

  • Concrete curb and gutter was installed on Wilcox, all curb and gutter is now complete for the entire project.
  • Drive approaches were poured as well as portions of the sidewalk.
  • Road grading continued with work on Cherry Street and Wilcox in preparation for paving.

Anticipated Work for the Coming Week

  • Final grading of the roadway will continue.
  • Asphalt paving of the first layer of roadway is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon weather dependent.
  • Following paving the sidewalk ramps and all remaining concrete work will be completed.

Please be aware of the upcoming paving schedule, access will be limited at times while paving. Efforts will be made to keep residents informed of the schedule in order to have vehicles out of the way.

This was a little bit of a slower week with work focusing on preparations for concrete and completing small miscellaneous items. Next week will be very busy with the focus on concrete. Road grading on Cherry Street might also begin depending on how well concrete goes.

Work Completed this week

  • Final preparations were made for concrete work including sidewalk removals.
  • Miscellaneous items were addressed related to manholes, water valves a few remaining water service items.
  • Abandonment of old sewers was completed.
  • Weed killer was spread on Thompson and Cherry to kill weeds prior to final topsoil preparation and seeding which will be completed in a few weeks.

Anticipated Work

  • Concrete sidewalk, drives, and curb and gutter is scheduled to be completed throughout the week.

Access to individual garages with vehicles will be limited or not possible for the next week as concrete curb and gutter is installed and driveway approaches. We ask that you do not write in the concrete and please be patient as this work is completed.

Over the past few weeks, significant progress has been made with completion of the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, and water services on Wilcox and Cherry. At this time all underground work is complete with the exception of some final abandonments of old infrastructure and some final testing. These items will be completed this coming week. The end is now in sight and the focus will be on road rebuilding!

Work Completed The last few weeks

  • Water main and water services were completed on Wilcox and Cherry.
  • Storm sewer was completed on Wilcox Street.
  • Sanitary sewer was completed on Wilcox Street.

Anticipated Work

  • Road gravel installation will continue this week in preparation for concrete work.
  • Concrete is anticipated to begin on Wednesday August 7.

Access to individual garages with vehicles will be limited or not possible for the next week as concrete curb and gutter is installed and driveway approaches. We ask that you do not write in the concrete and please be patient as this work is completed.

This week focused on water service installation and miscellaneous restoration items.

 Work Completed This Week

  • Water service installation continued on Wilcox.
  • Work on manhole cover installation continued in Thompson and Walnut.
  • Irrigation repair.

Anticipated Work

  • Water service installation will continue on Wilcox.
  • Storm sewer installation will begin again around the middle of the week on Wilcox.

This was a short week but some important items were completed. Next week will see less activity with the focus on water services. All of the water services on Wilcox need to be replaced before the sanitary sewer can be finished and the storm sewer can be replaced, which is the next major step.


Work Completed This Week

  • Connection of the new Wilcox water main at Walnut and Edgewater was completed.
  • Sanitary sewer installation continued east of Walnut.
  • Water service installation continued on Cherry and started on Wilcox.
  • Spreading of topsoil began on Thompson and Walnut.

Anticipated Work

  • Water service installation will be the primary focus this coming week with services being installed on Wilcox and Cherry Streets.
  • Manhole covers will be installed on Thompson and Walnut.

This update covers the last two weeks. Significant progress has been made on Thompson and Walnut with the first course of pavement being placed. Utility work on Wilcox is ongoing.

No work will be performed onsite July 4 or July 5. Enjoy the peace and quiet!

Work Completed The Last Two Weeks

  • Final grading and placement of the first course of asphalt on Thompson and Walnut.
  • Sanitary sewer installation was completed on Wilcox from Edgewater to Walnut.
  • Water main installation on Wilcox was completed less final connections.

Anticipated Work

  • Connection of the Wilcox water main will be completed at Walnut and Edgewater.
  • Water service installation on Wilcox will start the week of July 8. Water service installation on Cherry Street will continue this week.
  • Sanitary sewer on Wilcox will be completed from Walnut to the project ending.

This was a bit of a slower week with various odds and ends being completed. Work continued on building the new road on Thompson and utilities on Wilcox.

Work Completed This Week

  • Placement of gravel road on Thompson continued in preparation of concrete.
  • Sanitary sewer construction continued on Wilcox, the new sewer is in from Edgewater to Walnut and the sewer on Cherry is complete.

Anticipated Work

  • Concrete sidewalk and curb on Thompson is scheduled for Tuesday.
  • Sanitary sewer installation will continue as well as water main installation on Wilcox.

This was another productive week with progress being made in many locations. At times it looks like holes are being dug at random, we assure you there is a method to this madness.

Work Completed This Week

  • Water service replacement continued on Thompson and Walnut with completion of the houses up on the hill.
  • Aggregate was placed on Thompson Avenue in preparation of concrete.
  • The dewatering system was extended further down Wilcox to allow for utility installation.
  • Sanitary sewer continued on Wilcox, the mainline is now about 2/3 of the way done for this section.

Anticipated Work

  • Water service replacement will continue on Walnut.
  • The Walnut water main will be abandoned.
  • Following completion of Walnut water services, aggregate will be placed on Walnut.
  • Sanitary sewer installation will continue on Wilcox working west. A significant amount of work will be required in the Walnut and Wilcox intersection, this may be impacted for a majority of the week.
  • Sanitary sewer will be extended approximately 150 ft down Cherry from Wilcox.
  • Curb and gutter may begin on Thompson, schedule is not certain at this time due to weather.
  • Water main installation may begin on Wilcox if time allows.

This week started out slow with preparation work but picked up speed as the week progressed with continued work on sanitary sewer.

Work Completed This Week

  • Water service replacement continued on Thompson and Walnut.
  • Concrete removals were started on Wilcox.
  • Sanitary sewer on Wilcox was started at Edgewater working west.
  • Thompson sanitary sewer was abandoned.
  • Connection to the water main on Plum Street at Thompson will be completed this Saturday.

Anticipated Work

  • Water service replacement will continue on Thompson.
  • Sanitary sewer installation will continue on Wilcox working west from Edgewater.
  • Grading of the sand for placement of gravel on Thompson and Walnut will begin.