This Week:
- Fer-Pal has completed all of the liner related work as of this week.
- Hoffman Brothers continued working on installing new water main to connect the lined sections of pipe at the pit locations.
- The section of liner that had a defect in it has been inspected and Fer-Pal has developed a plan for removing the defective liner and replacing it with new ductile iron water main.
Next Week:
- Fer-Pal will begin disinfecting sections of completed water main.
- Hoffman Brothers will continue to install new ductile iron water main in the lining pits to reconnect the lined water main sections.
- The work in the pits located at the Lamoreaux Drive and West River Drive intersection is scheduled for next Thursday (9/5). Hoffman Brothers will complete the pipe work and the paving is scheduled to be completed later in the day.