This Week:
  • Fer-Pal continued to clean and televise the existing water main along 4 Mile Road and West River Drive south of the railroad tracks.
  • Fer-Pal began installing the water main liner along 4 Mile Road and West River Drive.
  • Fer-Pal began pressure testing some of the lined sections of pipe along 4 Mile Road and began reinstating water service connections.
Next Week:
  • Fer-Pal will work on cleaning and televising the existing water main along West River Drive north of the railroad tracks.
  • Fer-Pal will continue to install the water main liner along West River Drive.
  • Fer-Pal plans to have a couple of night shift crews clean and televise the existing water main near the West River Drive and Lamoreaux Drive intersection since these pit locations are disruptive to traffic (these pits currently have steel plates over them).
  • Fer-Pal also plans to complete the lining near West River Drive and Lamoreaux Drive over night to limit the traffic impacts.