Work on this project has begun. Focus in the first week has been on site preparation, removals and locating existing utilities. The next week will focus on setting up dewatering systems and work in the alley between Walnut and Cherry.
Work Completed This Week
- Removed the road surface on Edgewater, Thompson and Walnut.
- Worked on removals for sidewalk, drive approaches and curb and gutter.
- Completed preparation work for a boring pit at the alley between Walnut and Cherry.
Anticipated Work
- Installation of dewatering on Edgewater and Thompson.
- Boring and Jacking of a casing pipe into the alley between Walnut and Cherry. This casing will have a sanitary sewer inserted through it later in the project, this will allow installation without disturbing the nearby houses and garages.
- Installation of water main on Edgewater may begin near the end of the week.