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Trees were marked for removal with a pink “X” yesterday. Chop, Milbocker’s tree clearing subcontractor, is scheduled to begin removing trees on Monday, June 10. There is a possibility Chop will be on site to begin tree removal the week of June 3 if their schedule allows. Milbocker’s crew will be on site June 10 and begin water main construction along Eldon at Hunsberger. Milbocker plans to build the water main along Eldon this first week and then close Hunsberger on June 17 to install water main across the road and connect to the existing water main in Hunsberger.

The Kent County Road Commission (KCRC) will also have a project start on June 17 to repave Hunsberger from Plainfield to Coit. This project is separate from the water main work, but Plainfield Township and KCRC have been coordinating to limit impacts to residents.