Over the past few weeks, significant progress has been made with completion of the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, and water services on Wilcox and Cherry. At this time all underground work is complete with the exception of some final abandonments of old infrastructure and some final testing. These items will be completed this coming week. The end is now in sight and the focus will be on road rebuilding!
Work Completed The last few weeks
- Water main and water services were completed on Wilcox and Cherry.
- Storm sewer was completed on Wilcox Street.
- Sanitary sewer was completed on Wilcox Street.
Anticipated Work
- Road gravel installation will continue this week in preparation for concrete work.
- Concrete is anticipated to begin on Wednesday August 7.
Access to individual garages with vehicles will be limited or not possible for the next week as concrete curb and gutter is installed and driveway approaches. We ask that you do not write in the concrete and please be patient as this work is completed.