Please do NOT drive across the fresh concrete for at LEAST 5 days after it is poured to allow the concrete to cure, strengthen and harden properly. You can walk on the concrete in a few hours after it is poured, but we need to wait several days before allowing vehicles on it or it will get prematurely damaged.


Work Completed to This Past Week:

  • All concrete curb and gutter completed (by end of day today)
  • All sidewalk concrete completed (except for ramps at intersections)
  • All concrete driveway approaches completed
  • Road base gravel placed and spread and is being compacted in place


Work Anticipated Week of May 22, 2023

  • Finish pouring concrete at the sidewalk ramps at the intersections
  • Finish grading the road gravel and compacting it in preparation for the first layer of asphalt
  • Begin restoration with top soil in lawn areas around the sidewalks
  • Possibly get the first course of asphalt down later in the week


Work Anticipated Week of May 29, 2023 – Week of Memorial Day

  • No work of course on Monday, May 29, 2023
  • If 1st course of asphalt is done, then the manholes and valve boxes will be cut out and raised for the final elevation of asphalt
  • If not, the 1st course of asphalt will be placed and then the structures raised with new manhole covers
  • Restoration – Topsoil, signage, etc.
  • Final course of asphalt and punchlist


Work on 8th Street and Rotterdam is still on schedule to be complete the first week of June 2023.

At this time, there is no parking allowed on 8th Street between Oakwood and Summit or on Rotterdam between 8th & 9th Streets.

Garbage and mail should continue as scheduled.  Please be aware of construction equipment and workers when moving through the site. Let’s try to keep everyone safe!