Construction Updates

Important Information

The Eagle Lake Crooked Lake project start-up was completed on November 20, 2024. There are a few punch list items to complete; however, the system is working as designed and is available to be operational if needed. As of this posting the levels at both Eagle Lake and Crooked Lake are below the level where the system would be turned on.

This Week:

On the bridge, crews poured the parapet wall on outside of new bridge deck for pedestrian protection. Crews also worked on forming bridge outlooks and the vehicular wall between the drive lane and pedestrian lane. Crews poured a barrier wall between pedestrian lane and drive lanes on Saturday 11/23.

On the pathway, crews completed work on grading aggregate base. The pathway now has been fully paved. Crews worked on restoration efforts along the pathway prepping for seeding.

Next Week:

On the bridge, crews will continue work on forming overlooks. In addition, crews will be on site to begin work on installation of new guardrail at both ends of the bridge.

On the pathway, crews will continue working on restoration efforts.

Phase 2:

This Week:

  • Concrete sidewalk and driveways were completed on Audley Drive and the north half of Daylor.
  • Many of the existing concrete driveways which were removed for water main construction were poured under the edge of the existing road. This necessitated that asphalt patches be placed at the end of each driveway impacted. These patches as well as the road patch across Audley Drive were paved this week.
  • Montgomery continued to work on punch list items and lawn restoration. However, with the wet weather we had this week not much topsoil work was able to be completed.

Next Week:

  • Lawn restoration will continue next week as weather allows.
  • Montgomery will work on punch list items and general project cleanup for the winter.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Preparations for the second wall pour were delayed due to weather. The wall forms and bulkheads have been installed.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • The second wall pour is now scheduled for Monday.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Completed tree clearing.
  • Butt-fusing HDPE pipe lengths in preparation for pipe laying.
  • Installing dewatering system on MCCRC property north of Apple Avenue.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Continue butt-fusing HDPE pipe and dewatering system installation.
  • Start HDPE pipe installation week of December 2.

K&R completed tree clearing. No additional project work on Contract No. 2 anticipated until spring.

Milbocker remains off-site awaiting arrival of additional force main materials. Milbocker is planning to re-mobilize the week of December 2.

Work completed/in progress:

  • The first wall pour was completed this week (see photos).
  • Conduit and rebar are installed for the second wall pour.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Forms will be stripped and moved to the next wall section. The second wall pour is scheduled for next week Wednesday.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Completed tree clearing activities and silt fence installation on MCRRC property and Ensley Road.
  • Force main materials continue arriving on-site.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Complete tree clearing activities on Price Road and Sherman Boulevard.
  • Continue receiving additional force main materials.
  • Complete butt-fusion training and initial acceptance testing.
  • Install dewatering system on MCRRC property north of Apple Avenue.

K&R is planning to start tree clearing next week. Tree clearing will be primarily at Crockery Creek; however, some trees within the public right of way will also be removed to allow for force main installation.