If you have any concerns regarding the project, please reach out to the project email account – goodwoodwater@gmail.com.

CL Trucking & Excavating began work on Phase II on August 19th.  Crews started placing water main on Brookhills Court between Thornapple River Drive and Tricklewood Drive.  Crews are now placing new water main on Brookpoint Drive between Tanglewood Drive and Brookhills Court.  In the weeks to come crews will install new water main on Winterberry Court and Misty Court. It is possible that they complete these streets yet this year and have homes along these portions ready to connect in 2024. The other streets in Phase II would then occur after the winter pause in the Spring of 2025.

After the water main has been placed, the contractor, in coordination with the City of Grand Rapids, will work on pressure testing and chlorinating the new main in preparation for placing the main into service.  Only after the new main has passed all required testing will it be tied in allowing for new services to be placed.

Residents are encouraged to reach out to McDonald Plumbing to get a quote specific to their property.  We respectfully ask that homeowners on Brookhills Court, Brookpoint Drive, Winterberry Court and Misty Court prioritize getting quotes as soon as possible as those home may be ready for connection yet this year.  As all the remaining work will be completed in 2025, remaining homeowners should choose to wait until fall/winter of 2024 or early spring of 2025.

McDonald Plumbing Contact info:

Grace Thumser – (616) 698-6771

As a reminder, the quotes for the work that McDonald Plumbing will be providing will be paid for by the project. The only fees responsible for the homeowner would be the difference in price if one elects to proceed with copper instead of the default of plastic for the private portion of the water service.

If residents have a concern with meter and or service sizing for their home, we ask that you discuss those concerns with McDonald Plumbing when they are providing a quote for your property.  Residents can also with contact Lawrence Olson with the City of Grand Rapids (lolson@grand-rapids.mi.us) and he can assist with proper sizing as well.

Irrigation Repairs – Property owners should be aware that as the water main in being placed that many of the irrigation systems are being damaged and having lines/zones removed or severed.  As part of the contract, the contractor will be coordinating with an irrigation company to repair these systems at no cost to the property owner.  As we move towards the fall months, residents are encouraged to work with their landscape/irrigation companies to winterize their irrigation systems as they usually would.  When repairs are made to systems as part of the water main contract, that contractor will test the systems and re-winterize the systems.