Progress Report:

Work continues as K&R installs the 30-inch HDPE force main along between Lakewood Blvd and James Street, through the HBPW Electric easement corridor. As this work is outside the public right-of-way (ROW), this work can continue through the winter. Work is becoming more weather dependent as colder temperatures are in the forecast. The below photos show the pipe being installed in 200 – 300 feet sections at a time, along with some work fusing the fabricated tee fittings for the maintenance manhole structures. These structures are installed for access to the force main for the Township during maintenance activities.

Upcoming Work:

K&R will continue force main pipe installation along up to James Street, and will turn the corner and continue along James Street. Pump Station No. 31 site preparation and excavation may begin as early as February/March ’25.