Progress Report:

Phase 1:

Milbocker spent most of the week this week prepping road patches for paving which is scheduled for Saturday. They also worked on cleanup throughout the project and removed most of their equipment from site.

Phase 2:

Montgomery began prepping for water main construction on Audley by moving their equipment on site, moving mailboxes to Miramar, saw cutting driveways, removing some sidewalk, removing topsoil, and locating existing utilities.

Upcoming Work:

Phase 1:

Milbocker will be wrapping up their activities on site by completing the remaining lawn restoration and working on punch list items.

Phase 2:

Tree clearing for the entire phase 2 area along Audley, Daylor, and Northgate will begin next week Monday. Trees that need to be removed for water main construction have been marked with a pink X. Montgomery will be getting water main materials delivered and starting water main construction on Audley early next week. Please note that Montgomery intends to stage water main pipe for Audley construction on Daylor, but does not intend to start water main construction on Daylor at this time.