Work Anticipated to be Complete this Week:

  • Water main installed on Aue Road east of Miller Road
  • Water main tested and passed on Kunz Street
  • Long side water service stubs installed on Seng Road
  • Pavement removals will begin on Petrie and Wilson Avenues west of Grand Haven Road (Friday)


Work Anticipated Week of September 11, 2023

  • Monday, Sept 11, 2023 (WEATHER DEPENDENT) – Planned water service shut down for customers on Hile Road between August Road and Earl Road, including all residents on Earl Street, John Avenue, Ida Street, and Eugene Avenue east of Earl Street. This impacts roughly 100 customers. Water is planned to be off around 9 AM until 5 PM. Work will be to tie-in the new water main in Kunz Street at Hile Road first which may restore service to most of these customers around noon and then at Seng Road and Hile Road.
    • Note:  If after your water is shut off and you experience discolored water – please run your COLD water through a bath tub spigot until the water clears. If it appears cloudy, this is due to tiny air bubbles in the water.  If it appears reddish or yellow, this is due to increased iron, but the water is safe. Flushing the water will clear the water up over time. If it does not, please notify Dan Sorek or the City of Norton Shores Water Department.
  • Water main testing on Aue Road
  • Water main connection on Aue Road – this may impact residents briefly on Aue Road east of address 460 Aue Road (approximately 30 customers) for a couple of hours
  • New water service stubs will be installed on Seng and Kunz
  • Continue pavement removals on Petrie and Wilson Avenues west of Grand Haven Road
  • Begin water main installation on Petrie Road west of Grand Haven Road


Work Anticipated Week of September 18, 2023

  • Complete installation of water main connection at Aue Road if not completed
  • Water main service stubs on Aue Road
  • Continue water main installation on Petrie Avenue west of Grand Haven Road


Construction is scheduled to be completed in November 2023.  Please watch for more information about connecting to the new water main for those residents connecting to the new water main.