Progress Update:

Pipestone Road and Force Main Installation

With Pipestone Road now closed, the first segment of force main installation by horizontal directional drilling is complete. This first segment extends from Pipestone Road to the unnamed private road east of Ox Creek. Next up: open trench construction of approximately 200 feet of force main in Pipestone Road and a connection to the existing Pipestone Road sewer with a new discharge manhole. We expect the work in Pipestone will continue for approximately two more weeks.


New Lift Station Construction

The new lift station, located near the Hampton Inn, is now under construction. The wet well base, which is approximately 34 feet deep, has been set.  The rest of the structure is expected to be complete by the end of the week. After the wet well is complete, sewer construction will begin progressing from the wet well to the east across the Hamton Inn frontage. This will be done in stages to maintain access to the Hampton Inn.