The Kinney Avenue Project is officially underway!  As of Monday, April 1, Kinney Avenue is closed to through traffic between Lake Michigan Drive and Leonard Street with a posted detour route via Wilson Avenue. Below is brief update on what has been done and what is planned to come the remainder of this week:


Work Completed Last Week

  • Brenner Excavating mobilized on Thursday, March 28
  • Top soil was stripped from the detention basin at the south end of the project and excavation began to expand the basin
  • Kent Power has continued to install new 8-inch gas main under the sidewalk on the west side Kinney Avenue from Lake Michigan Drive north to approximately Thornwyk Drive.


Anticipated Work This Week

  • Continue expanding and grading the detention basin
  • Install storm sewer improvements at the detention basin including the outlet control structure and 36-inch storm sewer inlet
  • Mill out the asphalt pavement on the GVSU private drive heading toward the detention basin (scheduled for Wednesday, April 3)
  • Top soil and hard surface removals may begin along Kinney Avenue soon including milling and removing approximately an approximately 8 foot wide swath along the east side of Kinney Avenue
  • Gas main will continue to be horizontally directionally drilled on Kinney Avenue from approximately Thornwyk Drive to the north.


On Tuesday morning, all mailboxes for residents along the east side of Kinney Avenue were relocated to a bank of mailboxes near the intersection of Hampton Lane and Kinney Avenue.  USPS will continue to deliver mail to this location until the mailboxes are able to be relocated toward the end of the project.