Now that underground storm sewer has largely been completed, the focus of the project is shifting to rebuilding the roadway and replacing the hard surfaces.  At this time, the project remains on schedule to be completed mid-to-late August.  See below for an update on progress:

Work Completed Last Week

  • With the exception of one yard basin lead, all underground storm sewer has now been completed
  • The southbound lane of Kinney Avenue has been built up to the aggregate base from the GVSU Private Drive north past Thornwyk Drive
  • The old gas main has been abandoned and the new gas main has been completely tied in
  • Grading and topsoil restoration and grass seeding has been completed along Kinney Avenue between the GVSU Private Drive and Edinboro Street.  For affected residents: Continued watering of the newly restored grass areas will give the grass the best chance of growing adequately over the remaining summer months.  Grass should be mowed once it grows to a mowable length do keep any weed growth down.

Anticipated Work This Week

  • The roadway will be built up to the aggregate base within the southbound lane of Kinney Avenue from Thronwyk Drive to Leonard Avenue.
  • Concrete sidewalk will be installed on the east side of Kinney Avenue between Edinboro Street and Leonard Avenue beginning today.  Sidewalks through driveways will be gapped out to allow for driveway access for now until curb and gutter and driveway approaches are installed at a later date.

The remainder of this weeks’ construction activities will be concentrated between Macy Drive and Leonard Street. Local traffic seeking to travel through this area should expect delays or seek an alternate route.