Water Supply Planning

Drinking Water Asset Management

The Story

In 2016, The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (now referred to as EGLE) announced a requirement for communities to establish a water system asset management plan by 2018.

The Asset Management process produces three documents:

  1. Asset Management Plan – “WHAT” – Statement of Goals/Guiding Principles
  2. Asset Management Program – “HOW” – How you will accomplish those goals
  3. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)


A governing body can develop and ratify the plan, which is non-technical and can be understood by the non-technical public. The Program is a detailed implementation document for staff. The CIP is edited more often for more on-the-ground planning with municipal staff.

Prein&Newhof continues to work with dozens of communities’ water asset management plans. There are several steps to the asset management process for water systems:

    1. Defining Our Goals – What is our desired Level of Service?
    2. Inventory – What do we own?
    3. Risk of Failure – what are the conditions of our assets?
    4. Consequence of Failure – what happens with a failure?
    5. Criticality – How do we prioritize our actions?
    6. Capacity – Do we have enough, Now and for the future?
    7. Operations and Maintenance – Keeping up with routine work
    8. Capital Improvements – Continuing system renewal
    9. Financial Strategy – Rate planning and stability


Barbara Marczak, PE
Project Manager
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