Important Information

By Dana R. Burd, P.E., LEED AP

Does your facility require an Industrial Storm Water Permit? If you have storm water leaving your site, the answer could be ‘yes’. The Michigan DEQ began issuing Industrial Storm Water Permits in 1994. Regulated facilities that have never obtained a permit may qualify for a Consent Order (as described in this 4-page guide) to avoid potential enforcement actions.

How do you know if a storm water permit is needed for your facility? Begin by answering these three questions:

1.  Is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for your facility federally regulated?

2.  Does the storm water runoff discharge to surface waters of the state?

3.  Are industrial materials and/or activities exposed to storm water runoff?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to all three of these questions, industrial storm water permit coverage is required. If you are unsure of the answer to any of the questions above, our Certified Industrial Storm Water Operators can help. And, if necessary, we can prepare the required Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)  and the Notice of Intent and Certificate of Entry (NOI/COE) application forms.

The Michigan DEQ Industrial Program website also provides some good guidance.