Kalamazoo Township - FY23 DWRF Water Main Replacement

Important Information

The City of Kalamazoo is undertaking water main and water service replacements in Kalamazoo Township and in a couple of City streets. Construction will include pavement removals, water main installation, service re-connections, and then surface restoration. The entire project will last from mid-March to mid-October. However, work in a given street should be completed with a 6-week window once started.

Construction Plans Set

Access/Traffic: Access to homes will be maintained but there will be delays and disruption during the construction.

Garbage Pickup: Garbage pickup will be maintained either keeping it as-is or coordinated with the contractor performing the water main installation.

Water Service: Water service will be maintained during the construction with the exception of one day when the water service is connected back to the new water main. Any lead or galvanized services will be replaced with copper services. Some meter replacements may also occur.


Project questions can be sent to kaltwpwater23@gmail.com

P&N Construction Observer
A construction observer from Prein&Newhof will be on-site and can be contacted in the field during construction.

Construction of the water mains and new service connections are 100% complete. We appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation during construction this year. We will be performing an inspection of the grass restoration in the spring to verify turf growth. Areas needing touch up will be addressed around Memorial day after danger of frost has passed.

Thank you again, Happy Holidays, and have a great start to the New Year in 2025.

Pavement and sidewalk restoration are close to completion around the Commonwealth area. Water main on Crown has been completed and house services are being installed. Road restoration on Crown will follow immediately after all the new services have been connected.

In the general project area, final restoration items have been reviewed with the contractor. However, we are waiting for more favorable grass planting weather (some rain is needed) before placing additional seeding.

Water main and services have been installed on all project streets except Crown and North Arlington/Jefferson. Weather permitting, Commonwealth is scheduled for base paving this Friday. Restoration work on all streets will continue. We will be performing a detailed restoration review at the end of next week to provide the contractor with a list of items that need to be addressed before project closeout.

Water main installation on Berkley is complete and water service installation will begin next week. Soft soil replacements have been completed on Pinehurst and final top course paving is scheduled for Monday, September 16. Water main work on Crown should begin towards the later part of next week. We will be doing a review of lawn restoration in a couple of weeks in anticipation of moving into weather that is a little cooler/wetter which is more conducive to new grass establishment.

We are in the home stretch, so once again, we thank everyone for their cooperation and patience as we work into the tail end of the 2024 construction season.

Pavement base course on Dartmouth was placed last week and top course is currently underway. Driveway work on Dartmouth should be completed in the next few days.

The contractor is working on connecting new water main to existing water main in various locations this week. Water main installation will begin on Berkley next week and progress to Arlington. After Arlington, water main replacement will move to Crown.

Soft soils were discovered on Pinehurst which has slowed the road reconstruction. That issue will be resolved in the next two weeks which will then allow final restoration to proceed.

Base course paving is underway on Campbell. Top course (final) paving on all of Campbell is scheduled for Monday, August 5. Water service work on Dartmouth will continue the week of August 5-9. Water main installation/testing should be completed on Commonwealth next week. Water service work on Commonweatlh should begin the week of August 12.

There are a few soft soil issues on Pinehurst south of Kenwood that need to be addressed before final top course paving can be completed. We will post a schedule on that work as soon as it is available.

Progress Report:

All water services on Pinehurst, Wilmette, and Waverly have been completed and surface restoration is underway. The final services on Campbell should be done by the end of next week. A final top course paving schedule is currently being worked out and will be posted soon.

Water main work on Dartmouth should be completed next week with work on services to immediately follow.

Water main work on Commonwealth should begin in a couple of weeks.

Thank you to everyone for your patience as the contractor worked through the rain cleanup from the deluges we received.

Extra Notes:

If your lawn has recently been restored (seeded) please make sure to keep it watered on a daily basis. Some weeds will inevitably sprout but should be controllable with regular mowing and your normal lawn weed control routine.

All lead water service work on Pinehurst, Waverly, and Wilmette will be completed by Friday, June 21. Base paving on the north end of Pinehurst is scheduled for the week of June 24.

Water main in Campbell should be installed from Pinehurst to Commonwealth by the end of next week. Once that section passes the required tests, water service work will immediately follow.

The lawn restoration schedule is being reviewed given the current heat wave and will begin when there is a reasonable expectation that new grass can be seeded without significant risk of being killed by the heat.

Once water main is installed in Campbell, the crews will move to Dartmouth and Clarendon. The work crews thank everyone for their understanding and patience as the construction progresses.

Surface restoration work on Lulu is wrapping up with top course paving scheduled to be completed before May 24. Water main has been installed in Pinehurst all the way to Hillsdale and is undergoing pressure testing. Service work south of Kenwood should be wrapped up next week and services north of Kenwood should begin immediately after that. Water main installation next week will start on Waverly/Wilmette.

Pinehurst road gravel will be placed next week from Kenwood southward. Once all the Pinehurst services are installed, the full road restoration, including paving, will be completed.

We would like to thank everyone for your cooperation and patience so far as the construction has gotten underway.

Water main work on Lulu Street has been completed and roadway restoration is underway. Paving is tentatively scheduled for next week but will be weather dependent.

Water main work on Pinehurst is progressing well. Water main between West Main and Kenwood has been installed and successfully pressure tested. Bacteriological testing of that segment is underway. The contractor is anticipating working on services in that segment starting next week so residents south of Kenwood should expect a temporary water disruption while services are tied back to the new main. SWT Excavating will be calling those who have a non-copper water service to schedule a replacement date.