City of Ludington - Tinkham Avenue Reconstruction

Important Information

Work will consist of replacement of aging water main, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and a full rebuild of 0.3 miles of Tinkham Avenue from Lakeshore Drive to William Street.

Access/Traffic: Local traffic access to homes will be maintained. Through traffic will be detoured using Washington to Bryant to Lakeshore Drive. Access to Oriole Park will be from the north entrance on Lowell Street.


Prein&Newhof Engineer
Matt Hulst

Prein&Newhof Construction Observer
Bob Ouwinga

Milbocker and Sons
Bret Sommers

City of Ludington
Andy Larr

A lot has happened since our last update. Almost all work is completed–the primary item remaining is the top course of asphalt! If all goes as planned the roadway will be opened to traffic by the end of next week!


Work Completed This Week

  • Topsoil spreading and site cleanup was the focus this week.
  • Manhole covers were installed in preparation of paving.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Final paving of the top course of asphalt for the full length of the project.
  • Striping of the new pavement is anticipated by the end of the week.

Significant progress was made this week on rebuilding the roadway east of Gaylord with concrete work being completed. The end is in sight!

Work Completed This Week

  • Concrete Curb and Gutter, sidewalk, and drive approaches were installed east of Gaylord.
  • Aggregate was placed east of Gaylord.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Final grading of the gravel.
  • Paving of the first course of asphalt east of Gaylord is scheduled for the end of the week.
  • Street sign installation.
  • Topsoil spreading.

Lots of progress this week! Tinkham is starting to look like a road again with paving and more concrete being completed.

Work Completed This Week

  • The first course of asphalt was laid from Lakeshore to Gaylord Street.
  • Aggregate was placed from St. Paul to Williams.
  • Concrete curb and gutter was completed from Gaylord to Williams. All curb on the project is now complete.
  • Manhole covers were raised west of Gaylord.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Install all remaining concrete sidewalk and drive approaches.
  • Complete aggregate grading in preparation for paving east of Gaylord.
  • Possibly by end of the week, the first course of asphalt will be placed east of Gaylord; however, this is more likely to happen the week of the 17th.

Paving was delayed this week but significant progress still was made on the east half of the project with preparation for curb and gutter.

Work Completed This Week

  • Sand grade was established from Gaylord to Williams.
  • Aggregate was placed from Gaylord to approximately St. Paul.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Paving of the first course of asphalt west of Gaylord is scheduled for June 4.
  • Preparation for curb will continue with placement of gravel east of Gaylord.
  • Curb and gutter is tentatively scheduled to begin near the end of the week east of Gaylord.

Road rebuilding was the primary focus this week now that all underground work is complete. Tinkham is starting to look like a road again!

Work Completed This Week

  • Sidewalk ramps and all remaining concrete from Lakeshore to Gaylord were completed.
  • Final gravel was placed and graded from Lakeshore to Gaylord.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • The first course of asphalt west of Gaylord is scheduled to be placed on Wednesday, May 29.
  • Grading the sand for placement of gravel east of Gaylord will start and gravel placement may begin near the end of the week.
Underground work has essentially wrapped up on the project! Road rebuilding will be the primary focus moving. Significant progress on the road reconstruction was also made with concrete curb and approaches being installed west of Gaylord.Work Completed This Week
  • Utility work is now complete less a few minor finish items.
  • Concrete curb and gutter was completed west of Gaylord.
  • Concrete driveway approaches were completed west of Gaylord.
Anticipated Work Next Week
  • Sidewalk ramps will be poured on Monday as well as remaining curb west of Gaylord.
  • Final grading of the gravel west of Gaylord in preperation of paving.
  • Grading for sand grade and spreading of gravel east of Gaylord will begin.
  • Paving of the first layer of asphalt west of Gaylord is possibly by the end of the week but that schedule is not certain.

Underground work continued with the focus on the water main and storm sewer east of Gaylord. Road rebuilding continued west of Gaylord.

Work Completed This Week

  • Water main installation east of Gaylord.
  • Road rebuilding with aggregate placement in preparation for curb continued west of Gaylord.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Continued work on water main and water services.
  • Continue work on storm sewer east of Gaylord.
  • Curb and gutter placement is scheduled early week west of Gaylord.

With the beginning of concrete work, access to driveways will not be able to be maintained until the concrete cures. Make sure any vehicle that will need to be used over the next week is removed from your driveway impacted by the work prior to installation of the curb. Please do not write in the concrete or drive across it until the contractor indicates that you may.

Underground work continued with the focus on the sanitary sewer east of Lewis Street. Road rebuilding continued west of Gaylord.

Work Completed This Week

  • Sanitary sewer installation continued east of Lewis Street with most work focused at St. Paul to Lewis.
  • Water main was installed up to near Williams.
  • Aggregate placement in preparation of curb and gutter began west of Gaylord.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer installation will be completed.
  • Water main installation will be completed less final connections.
  • Aggregate placement will continue.
  • Remaining storm sewer will be completed.

Underground work continued east of Gaylord with both Sanitary Sewer and Water Main. Road rebuilding has also begun west of Gaylord.


Work Completed This Week

  • Sanitary sewer was completed from Gaylord to Lakeview.
  • Water main was installed starting at Lakeview and working east.
  • Storm sewer was installed in the Gaylord intersection.


Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Sanitary sewer will be installed from Lewis Street to William Street.
  • Water main will be installed working east from Lakeview.
  • Grading of the sand grade west of Gaylord will continue and aggregate placement will begin.

Milbocker has made significant progress on the utilities and has now completed all utilities work from Lakeshore to Gaylord.

Work Completed This Week

  • Completed the water main between Park and Ferry.
  • Completed storm sewer west of Gaylord.
  • Began installation of sanitary sewer from Gaylord to the East.

Anticipated Work Next Week

  • Continue working on sanitary sewer east of Gaylord.
  • Install storm sewer at Gaylord.
  • Begin grading the roadway in preparation of curb and gutter from Lakeshore to Gaylord.