A Village Renewed: Vicksburg’s Next Chapter

Village of Vicksburg

The Story

In 2001, Vicksburg faced a pivotal moment with the closure of the Lee Paper Company. Since then, the village has skillfully blended its historical charm with modern growth, attracting new residents with its natural beauty and inviting atmosphere.

To address its aging infrastructure, Vicksburg utilized Michigan’s SAW (Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater) program to assess and prioritize essential infrastructure upgrades. This resulted in an $11 million project focused on overhauling the 80+-year-old sewer and stormwater systems, including replacing undersized pipes, upgrading lift stations, and adding an interceptor sewer to reduce utility costs. Additionally, improvements were made to the water system, addressing outdated mains, inoperable valves, and lead service lines, all coordinated with street reconstruction to maximize efficiency.

Revitalizing its historic downtown, Vicksburg modernized Main Street with expanded sidewalks, updated parking, and a new midblock plaza. Enhancements like streetlights, benches, and bike racks have energized the area. A $30,000 façade grant program was also launched to support local businesses in renovating their buildings.

Oswalt Park was transformed into a vibrant community space with new seating, a fireplace, family-friendly games, and thoughtful landscaping, complementing the revitalized downtown while preserving the village’s historical essence.

These combined efforts have modernized Vicksburg’s infrastructure and downtown, honoring its rich history while paving the way for future growth and establishing the village as a lively hub for residents and visitors alike.

Our Role

  • Design
  • Traffic Engineering
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Public Engagement
  • Construction Engineering


Jason Washler, PE
Project Engineer


  • USDA’s Rural Development program – Low Interest Loan
  • MDOT Category B Grant – $250,000
  • MEDC Patronicity Program – $267,000
  • Vicksburg Foundation


ACEC MI, Excellence in Engineering
Infrastructure Improvements, 2023

APWA SW, Public Works Project of the Year
Downtown Infrastructure Improvements, 2022

ASCE MI, Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement, 2023

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