Important Information

Contract No. 1: Construct force main from West Randall lift station in City of Coopersville to Ottawa County line.

Access/Traffic: Local traffic will be maintained during pipeline construction. There may be times when your driveway is inaccessible because pipeline construction is occurring in front of your house or driveway restoration is taking place. The contractor will work with you ahead of time and will make special access arrangements with you if needed.

Mail: Mailboxes that interfere with pipeline construction will be temporarily relocated so that mail service can be maintained during construction. If your mailbox needs to be temporarily relocated, the contractor will inform you of where it has been moved to and when they anticipate it will be returned to its original location.

Garbage Pickup: The contractor will work with you and your waste hauler to maintain service throughout construction. If pipeline construction interferes with your waste haulers ability to pick up your garbage, the contractor will temporarily move your garbage bins to a central location and return them to the end of your driveway by the end of the work day.


Prein&Newhof – Field
Brad Kuiper
(616) 485-0286

Milbocker & Sons
(269) 673-2195

Muskegon County
(231) 724-3442

Work completed/in progress:

  • Laid approximately 900′ of force main along Railroad corridor on north side of Continental property.
  • Pulled force main through casing beneath Railroad spur.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Continue force main installation along Railroad corridor on north side of Continental property. Install adjacent to electrical substation and continue to 68th Avenue.
  • No work planned for Monday or Tuesday due to cold weather.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Milbocker remobilized from holiday break.
  • Completed destructive sample for cold weather fusion.
  • Began force main installation along Railroad corridor.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Continue force main installation along Railroad corridor on north side of Continental property. Cross beneath Railroad spur and install adjacent to electrical substation.

In the coming week, force main installation will begin along the railroad corridor.

Work completed/in progress: Completed force main installation along 64th Avenue.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week: None.

Work completed/in progress: Completed force main installation along 64th Avenue working south to north.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week: Complete force main installation along 64th Avenue and begin force main installation along Railroad corridor.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Milbocker received additional force main materials and resumed force main installation.
  • Installed approximately 400 feet along 64th Avenue working south to north.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Continue force main installation.
  • Milbocker plans to supplement existing staff to expedite force main installation.

Milbocker remains off-site awaiting arrival of additional force main materials. Milbocker is planning to re-mobilize the week of December 2.

Milbocker was off-site this week awaiting arrival of additional force main materials.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Milbocker continues force main installation along 64th Avenue.
  • Continue receiving force main materials.
Work completed/in progress:
  • Milbocker continued fusing HDPE pipe.
  • Milbocker installed approximately 300′ of HDPE pipe.
Anticipated work activities for the coming week:
  • Milbocker will be off-site temporarily until additional force main materials arrive.
Work completed/in progress:
  • Milbocker continued fusing HDPE pipe. Approximately 54 fuses have been completed.
  • Milbocker installed approximately 300′ of HDPE pipe.
Anticipated work activities for the coming week:
  • Continue butt-fusing HDPE pipe and HDPE pipe installation north along 64th Avenue.