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Muskegon County Board of Public Works - Southeast Regional Force Main

Important Information

Muskegon County in partnership with many municipalities, industries, and the State of Michigan is completing several infrastructure improvements to extend wastewater service to the southeasterly region of Muskegon County and to the City of Coopersville.

Infrastructure improvements will be packaged into eight construction contracts, summarized below:

Southeast Regional Force Main, Contract No. 1: Construct force main from West Randall lift station in City of Coopersville to Ottawa County line.

Southeast Regional Force Main, Contract No. 2: Construct force main from Ottawa County line to Heights Ravenna Road.

Southeast Regional Force Main, Contract No. 3: Construct force main from Heights Ravenna Road to Muskegon County Resource Recovery Center.

West Randall Lift Station: Construct a second lift station adjacent to the existing West Randall Lift Station to accommodate proposed flows for the Southeast Regional Force Main.

Swanson Pickle Lift Station and Force Main: Construct a force main and lift station to convey flow from Swanson Pickle Company to the Southeast Regional Force Main.

Coopersville System Modifications, Main Lift Station Modification: Reconstruct existing Main Lift Station pumping and electrical systems to allow flow redirection.

Coopersville System Modifications, Main LS Force Main Modification: Construct new force main piping to allow flow redirection from City of Coopersville to the West Randall Lift Station.

Coopersville System Modifications, WWTP Lift Station/Lagoon Modifications: Convert City of Coopersville WWTP lagoons to emergency storage and construct a lift station to pump to the West Randall Lift Station.

  • Southeast Regional Force Main Contracts No. 1, 2, and 3 have been awarded
  • West Randall Lift Station Improvements contract has been awarded
  • Swanson Lift Station and Force Main contract has been awarded.

Construction is scheduled to begin this month!