Important Information

Contract No. 2: Construct force main from Ottawa County line to Heights Ravenna Road.

Access/Traffic: Local traffic will be maintained during pipeline construction. There may be times when your driveway is inaccessible because pipeline construction is occurring in front of your house or driveway restoration is taking place. The contractor will work with you ahead of time and will make special access arrangements with you if needed.

Mail: Mailboxes that interfere with pipeline construction will be temporarily relocated so that mail service can be maintained during construction. If your mailbox needs to be temporarily relocated, the contractor will inform you of where it has been moved to and when they anticipate it will be returned to its original location.

Garbage Pickup: The contractor will work with you and your waste hauler to maintain service throughout construction. If pipeline construction interferes with your waste haulers ability to pick up your garbage, the contractor will temporarily move your garbage bins to a central location and return them to the end of your driveway by the end of the work day.


Prein&Newhof – Field
Brad Kuiper
(616) 485-0286

Kamminga & Roodvoets
(616) 949-0800

Muskegon County
(231) 724-3442

  • Project has been awarded to Kamminga & Roodvoets (K&R) of Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • K&R tentatively plans to begin construction in the spring of 2025
  • Preparatory work, including surveying, tree clearing, and material staging may begin this fall and winter