Charter Township of Texas - Eagle Lake & Crooked Lake: Lake Level Control

Important Information

This project is designed to control the lake levels of Eagle Lake and Crooked Lake by means of two lakebed intake beds, two pumping stations, 3,724 linear feet of force main, and a filter building with mechanical filters.

Tentative Project Schedule:

  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) of pipe at the east end of Crooked Lake: week of September 11, 2023
  • Filter building construction: mid-September
  • Dredging of the lakes for filter beds: October and November
  • Piping work from Eagle Lake to Crooked Lake: spring of 2024
  • Project completion: July 1, 2024

There will be times in the spring of 2024 where residents along West PQ Avenue and the easterly end of West Crooked Lake Drive will have the area in front of your homes torn up. You will have limited access to your home for a very brief period of possibly several hours. Please let us know if you have any special access needs and we will do our best to make arrangements with you.

Contact any project representative if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to a successful project in your area!


Prein&Newhof will have personnel in the field on behalf of the Charter Township of Texas.

Tom Wheat, PE 
Project Manager
(269) 372-1158

Janine DeVries
Onsite Contact
(616) 450-9854

Dennis Todd
Onsite Contact
(269) 615-2906


Charter Township of Texas
Erik Wilson
(269) 375-1591

Kalamazoo County Drain Commissioner
Jason Wiersma
(269) 384-8117


Contractor: Balkema Excavating
Kyle Batts
24-Hour Emergency Contact
(269) 998-6508

The Eagle Lake Crooked Lake project start-up was completed on November 20, 2024. There are a few punch list items to complete; however, the system is working as designed and is available to be operational if needed. As of this posting the levels at both Eagle Lake and Crooked Lake are below the level where the system would be turned on.

Filter Building:

  1. Building is complete.
  2. The interior plumbing connecting the filters to the pumping system is complete except for 2 control valve actuators (Installation August 9).
  3. Electrical is finishing up, doing what they can short of Consumers connection.
  4. Consumers Energy is currently installing the service (have been rained off this morning).

Pump Stations (Eagle and Crooked):

  1. Pumps and electrical control panels have been delivered. Contractor is scheduled to begin installation August 13 with about 1 week of work.

System Startup:

  1. System startup is tentatively scheduled the week of August 26, with approximately 1 week to complete. Once system is operable the pumps will be turned on.
Upcoming Schedule:
  • Balkema will continue to maintain the work site until construction and restoration are is complete.
  • Work on the Filter bldg.. and both pump stations will continue.
  • Consumers Energy will be onsite the week of 08/05 to install power to the Filter Bldg.
  • System start up expected to take place late August.
Upcoming Schedule:
  • All pump station structures, piping and filter building are complete including surface restoration.
  • We are awaiting delivery of pump station pumps and electrical control panels; expected delivery is late July.
  • Consumers energy has scheduled the new service to the filter building; expected in the next few weeks.
  • Final equipment installation and start up is expected to be completed by early September.
  • Installation of underground infrastructure is complete.
  • Balkema has nearly completed restoration at all site locations.
  • Reconstruction of roadways as well as driveways has been completed. All roadways have been reopened to all traffic.
  • Construction continues on the filter bldg..

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Underground pipe installation between Eagle Lake and Crooked Lake will be completed today.
  • Balkema beginning restoration next week.
  • Work on the filter building and both pump stations will continue.
  • West Crooked Lake Drive is scheduled to be paved on May 6, 2024.

Upcoming schedule:

  • PQ Ave has be closed from 5th Street to Crooked Lake Dr. while pipe work is being done.
  • Contractor estimates 2 weeks to complete this work and get PQ opened back up to traffic.
  • The 12-inch storm pipe was bored under PQ yesterday, they will now continue laying pipe on the South side of PQ.
  • Emergency services, trash, and schools have been notified of this road closure.
  • Work on Eagle Lake Drive is nearing completion, contractor will start restoration this week.

The exterior metal work on the Crooked Lake filter building has been completed. As well as both in interior and exterior concrete work.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Construction of Crooked Lake Pump Station filter building & wet well will continue.
  • Balkema will begin construction of the access drives to Crooked Lake filter building and wet well.
  • Underground piping at Eagle Lake has begun to be fused and installation will begin soon.
  • Underground structures have been delivered to the Eagle Lake site and installation will begin soon.


The underground piping around the filter building has been installed.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Construction of the outlet will continue, weather permitting.
  • The floor drain and sump installation will be finished in the filter building.
  • Planning to install the Crooked Pump Station wet well in the next few weeks.

The backwash pipe and conduit were directionally drilled. The sanitary manhole was installed and connected to backwash pipe.

Upcoming Schedule:

  • Construction of the outlet will continue, weather permitting.
  • The sump will be installed in the filter building.
  • Underground piping at the filter building has begun to be fused and will be installed.
  • Planning to sink the Crooked Pump Station wet well in the next few weeks.