Bath Charter Township faced significant challenges with its outdated wastewater collection system, including an aging, corroded sewer line and limited capacity to handle heavy rainfall. During storms, one of the Township’s main lift stations required manual operation to prevent downstream overflows.
Bath Township had identified the challenge as part of its 2016 State Revolving Fund planning efforts, but needed a partner to help identify an effective solution. Prein&Newhof reviewed alternatives with the Township and helped develop a comprehensive plan, which included installing an oversized trunk sewer to act as an equalization storage basin, replacement of the troublesome lift station with a new lift station, enhanced lift station controls allowing the new station to communicate with downstream stations, and removal of an additional unnecessary lift station.
In true Prein&Newhof “Seeing Farther” fashion, the project was also designed for a future second phase to allow for additional equalization storage and elimination of another lift station believed to also contribute corrosion and capacity issues elsewhere in Bath’s collection system.
This project addressed immediate capacity and corrosion concerns, increased flexibility and response times for operators, and also bought the Township time to prepare for future upgrades.