Construction Updates

Important Information

Milbocker was off-site this week awaiting arrival of additional force main materials.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Milbocker continues force main installation along 64th Avenue.
  • Continue receiving force main materials.

Progress Report:

This week Miller Bridge completed the deck pour, and continued work buttoning up the trail, working on finishing the restoration and starting work on the 128th Avenue section of the trail.

Upcoming Work:

Next week they will work on tearing down the deck forms, and likely start on the parapet walls that will separate the traffic from the new pathway lane.

On the trail they will continue to work on the 128th Avenue section, and pavers will finish paving the gaps in the path early in the week, and anticipate paving the 128th Avenue section by the end of the week.


Video of Miller Bridge deck pour:

Progress Report:

Materials for the new lift station have been delayed due to multiple factors outside of Dean’s control. Dean’s now plans to begin work again around the new lift station in early December with hopes of starting up the new lift station by the end of the year.

This Week:

  • Montgomery completed the water service replacements on the north half of Daylor Drive.
  • Concrete sidewalk and driveways were poured on Audley Drive.
  • Topsoil has been spread along Audley Drive and Montgomery plans to hydroseed the disturbed areas on Friday.

Next Week:

  • Concrete crews are scheduled to be on site Monday and will begin driveway and sidewalk replacement on Daylor Drive.
  • HMA road patches will be paved as necessary.
  • Lawn restoration will be completed along Audley Drive.
  • Montgomery will start to wrap up the project for the winter.

Progress Report:

Water main installation at the Ox Creek stream crossing has been completed. Water service installation to property lines has begun on S Euclid between Britain Ave and Highland Ave. All intersections and driveways that were disturbed due to water main construction have been restored.

Upcoming Work:

Pressure testing and disinfection of the water main on S Euclid Ave between Empire Ave and Britain Ave will occur over the next couple of weeks. Water service installation to property lines will also continue over the next week.

Progress Report:

Work has started up again on Silver Creek Road. Pipe pressure testing on the first run of pipe was completed. Jackson Merkey Contractors installed approximately 700 ft of pipe this week.

Upcoming Work:

Final testing of the previously installed water main will continue into mid-week. Installation of water main on Silver Creek will continue progressing northward.

Progress Report:

This week crews from Miller Bridge completed installing the forms and reinforcement steel for the bridge deck expansion and began to pour the deck.

On the pathway crews focused on the restoration efforts: placing and grading out the topsoil in preparation to seed.

Upcoming Work:

Next week Miller Bridge anticipates they will continue to pour the bridge deck. The deck will need to be wet cured for 7 days (this is the wet burlap underneath the plastic wrap).

On the pathway crews will begin work on the section of path along 128th Avenue in addition to restoration and more seeding.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Installation of the remaining wall forms was delayed due to rain and high winds this week.
  • All wall pipes and conduit are now in place and the wall is nearly ready for concrete.

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • The date of the first wall pour is scheduled for next week Wednesday.
  • GRC is moving forward with preparing for the second wall pour in the southeast corner of the structure.

Work completed/in progress:

  • Tree clearing activities and silt fence installation on MCRRC property and along Ensley Road.
  • Force main materials beginning to arrive on-site

Anticipated work activities for the coming week:

  • Complete tree clearing activities and silt fence installation.
  • Continue receiving additional force main materials.
Work completed/in progress:
  • Milbocker continued fusing HDPE pipe.
  • Milbocker installed approximately 300′ of HDPE pipe.
Anticipated work activities for the coming week:
  • Milbocker will be off-site temporarily until additional force main materials arrive.